Maximising a sites potential through considered masterplanning.
We recognise that successful masterplans involve understanding the physical, economic and strategic constraints and opportunities of a site. Our Masterplanners are experts at this and are skilled in translating this into masterplans which create the greatest value for local communities and our clients.
We maintain a long-term view on solutions and focus on feasibility and deliverability. Our experience cover our industrial, residential, offices, retail & leisure and community & culture sectors as well as hybrid, mixed-use solutions. It also includes the development of Design Guides.
Our masterplanning experience includes the residential masterplanning of the Sale West Estate to deliver 263 new homes and transform the local area as well as the masterplanning of Carrington Gateway, a multi-unit industrial development.

- Bromborough, Wirral - Housing masterplan and Design Guide for Muse.

- Basford East, Crewe - Masterplanning and a hybrid application for a 39ha business park for Muse.
Client Testimonial
“For me, AEW is unique as they have a deep experience of delivery across multiple sectors. Therefore, regardless of the project, where we can see commercial opportunities, the team intuitively know how to explore the options and give a quick and strong view on what is feasible and deliverable. When these ideas are then presented, they articulate the vision with real credibility and a level of enthusiasm that brings things to life.”Alistair Chapman Senior Director (CBRE)

Masterplanning Projects
Our Masterplanning Experts
Within our large architectural team, we have a range of specialists skilled in masterplanning and urban design working across sectors including community & culture, industrial, offices, residential and retail & leisure. Together they pioneer comprehensive masterplanning at varying scales, bringing expertise in high-level feasibility studies through to detailed masterplans with accompanying Design Guides.