Adopting a holistic approach to deliver healthy, safe and legislatively compliant places.

Senior AEW Architects staff overseeing work

As architects and lead designers, we take our responsibilities extremely seriously. We adopt a holistic design approach which ensures the places we create are not only vibrant and sustainable but are also fully compliant with statutory requirements and are safe for all.

The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 and the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended 2023), provide the regulatory framework governing the health and safety and statutory compliance of construction projects, including duty holder roles for the Client, Principal Designer, Principal Contractors, Designers and Contractors.

Since the Building Safety Act, and associated changes to the Building Regulations came into force, we have strengthened and improved our knowledge, systems and procedures to ensure we’re fully equipped to meet the requirements of the legislation This has included extensive training for our entire technical team, with several of our Architects now certified on the RIBA Principal Designer Register.


  • Principal Designer | CDM Regulations 2015
    We undertake the role of Principal Designer under the Construction, Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015. We plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety during the pre-construction phases of developments, playing an essential role in determining how risks to health and safety are managed during the entire project lifecycle, from inception, through design, construction, use and ultimately to re-use or decommissioning.
  • Principal Designer | Building Regulations
    We undertake the role of Principal Designer under the Building Regulations 2010 (as amended 2023). We plan, manage, monitor and coordinate design to ensure all reasonable steps are taken to ensure compliance with the regulatory framework governing a construction project, usually the Building Regulations.
Client Testimonial
Our Principal Designer Experts

We provide extensive and continuing training to our team to ensure they understand and comply with the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 and the Building Regulations 2010 in undertaking their duty holder roles. Several of our Management Team are members of the RIBA Principal Designer Register.

Eamon O’Hara

Associate Director

Chris Lenehan

Associate Director

Dan O’Hara

Associate Director

Rob Dickson


Let's Talk