Alan joined AEW in 1997 and became a Director in 2019. He oversees much of our work in the industrial sector. He is an Architect constantly exploring and evolving designs to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.





Key Skills

  • + Extensive industrial experience
  • + Masterplanning
  • + Key client relationship management
  • + Stakeholder and community engagement
  • + Indepth knowledge of planning, Building Regulations, CDM & other legislation
  • + Understanding of Designer & Principal Designer’s responsibilities (CDM & BR)
  • + Leading design team & co-ordinating project info for CDM & BR


Alan predominantly works in the industrial sector and has extensive experience in masterplanning, distribution, warehousing, manufacturing, R&D and energy projects - leading a team of specialist architects and technicians through all stages. From day one, Alan is committed to exploring all potential constraints and opportunities to ensure successful planning and delivery with sustainable outcomes.

“Clients trust in my sector knowledge and experience - with much of my work with long-standing, repeat clients. Regardless of the project, I retain a focus on deliverability and viability using my knowledge from 20+ years in the industry.”